Progetto Asem

Presentazione del Progetto

Il progetto ASEM – Mapping and Assessing the European Mobility Advisor (EMA), intende creare una metodologia per il riconoscimento del profilo della figura dell’EMA - esperto della mobilità europea, un volontario o lavoratore esperto nel fornire informazioni sulle opportunità di mobilità transnazionale nel campo dello studio, del lavoro e del volontariato.

L’esperto della mobilità fornisce informazioni, orienta e guida i giovani sulle diverse possibilità per effettuare un’esperienza per l’apprendimento nel campo dello studio, dell’occupazione o del volontariato.

Il progetto nasce dall’esigenza di migliorare la qualità dell’orientamento e di riconoscere a livello professionale la figura dell’esperto della mobilità europea.

Attualmente, la professione dell’esperto della mobilità europea in Europa non è standardizzata e non esistono strumenti per la valutazione delle competenze della professione: gli “EMA”, provengono infatti da diversi background, e spesso non possiedono delle qualifiche riconosciute per lavorare con i giovani, ma sono stati formati dalle associazioni stesse.

Lo scopo del progetto ASEM è migliorare la situazione attuale, effettuando una mappatura del profilo degli EMA a livello europeo,  creando strumenti e metodologie per la valutazione delle competenze (Expertise Checkup), organizzando un corso di formazione per i valutatori, una certificazione europea e un registro europeo per i valutatori e per gli EMA che hanno superato positivamente il “Checkup”.

Il profilo dell’educatore/operatore della mobilità europea che verrà creato sarà basato sull’ECVET, e il “Checkup” sarà basato sulla Raccomandazione del Consiglio del 20 Dicembre 2012 sulla convalida dell’apprendimento informale e non formale (2012/C 398/01) e sulle “Linee guida europee per la convalida dell’apprendimento non formale e informale” sviluppate dal CEDEFOP (2016, Lussemburgo: Ufficio delle pubblicazioni. Cedefop reference series; No 104).

EduMobY e le associazioni e organizzazioni coinvolte nel progetto - provenienti da Francia, Slovacchia, Polonia e Lettonia – coinvolgeranno direttamente circa 400 EMA nel progetto e informeranno più di 10.000 EMA sui risultati e sulle metodologie e gli strumenti sviluppati.


Le organizzazioni partner del progetto (EN)

Etudes et chantiers Corsica (ECC) - FRANCE

“Etudes et chantiers Corsica" (ECC) is a non-profit association founded in 1995 and based in Corsica. ECC promotes social integration and local development by several means: sending and hosting volunteers in youth international work camps, job search assistance for jobseekers, territorial projects in rural areas.

The association organizes international work camps in Corsica, mixing together foreign young volunteers, volunteers coming from all over France and unemployed adults from Corsica.

Études ET Chantiers Corsica cooperates with regional authorities to promote employment and social inclusion inside the Plan Départemental d'Insertion developed by the Conseils Généraux de Haute-Corse et de Corse du Sud by organizing several initiatives, including the ACI (Ateliers et Chantiers d'Insertion).

ECC works closely not only with local authorities and schools, but also with different stakeholders in charge of professional and social insertion, such as “Ecole de la deuxième chance” - school that welcomes young people with a difficult educational path in order to make them acquire the key competences needed in the labor market, including digital skills. ECC is part of the French network of Etudes et Chantiers, promoting youth international mobility and social inclusion through volunteering, in cooperation with 105 organizations in 62 countries.



KERIC is a youth based non-profit and non-governmental organization in the region of Kysuce - north Slovakia. The mission of the organization is to connect the Kysuce region with Europe and the rest of the world, and to help people from the region become more open and tolerant towards other cultures.

The main aim of KERIC is to provide space for young people to implement their ideas and receive education in a non-formal way during their spare time.

Every year, around 250-300 young people and children take part in regular activities promoted by KERIC on a weekly basis (courses, workshops), and between 300 - 600 on an irregular basis (information campaigns, outdoor trips, street activities, summer camps, etc.).

The organization cooperates with local schools and is active in cross-sector cooperation with local elementary schools, the local municipality, and other NGOs. It coordinates voluntary activities at these institutions and actively cooperate with them in the field of education, organizing language and computer courses, hosting training sessions and seminars addressed to youth workers and teachers.



Zemgale NGO Centre has been established in 1998 with the aim to promote civic society development. Currently the organization is a resource center for more than 600 NGOs (non-profit organizations) and 4.000 information network users. Regular activities are consultations on fundraising for public beneficiary measures, information, education & technical assistance for non-profit organizations.

Zemgale NGO Centre is also a language training center for the Latvian, English, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and French languages. It develops youth support measures, offering youth exchanges, participation in the local organizations as volunteers or traineeships opportunities for students, international voluntary service, local youth initiatives.

The Centre is currently the most experienced NGO in the Zemgale region with more than 200 projects implemented. In December 2014, the organization has been awarded by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science as the most experienced youth organization.

Fundacja Rozwoju Miedzykulturowego EBU (Fundacja EBU) - POLAND

Fundacja EBU is a non-profit organization focused on intercultural education and developing youth work in the local community of Minsk Mazowiecki.

The organization cooperates with primary and high schools in the city, cultural and educational institutions and the City Hall, and hosts foreign volunteers who contribute to the daily activities. It focuses its work on youth and involves young people in activities designed to benefit other target groups. The main objectives of Fundacja EBU are: develop intercultural dialogue and education in order to increase the awareness of other cultures;  promote tolerance and understanding, fighting discrimination and xenophobia and facilitating the discovery of individual cultural identity; training for the acquisition of social skills; promote and implement voluntary service; organize free time activities and cultural animation projects; implement and promote nonformal education.

The organization implements training sessions and workshops on intercultural dialogue and social skills for children, youth and adults; organizes intercultural meetings and events open to local community; implements international youth projects (exchanges, training courses, seminars, conferences and voluntary service projects); runs an information and counselling center on personal and professional development for youth.

Educational Mobility for Youth (EduMobY) - ITALY

EduMobY (Educational Mobility for Youth) is a not-for-profit social enterprise, born in 2012 and active in the field of transnational mobility for education. 

The organization was established for the purpose of social solidarity and implements projects in the following areas: internships, educational activities, vocational training, including apprenticeship projects both in Italy and abroad, approved by public bodies (regions, government agencies, universities, social security institutions and the European Union). It also provides accompanying, mentoring, information and guidance services in the area of ​​transnational education mobility; accessory services such as editing and informatics initiatives to support information and training activities; consultancy and design services in the areas of information, active participation and European citizenship.

lI presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la
Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.